JungaliGrowz🌱 is the living documentation of Ŵîî AûtoPoîetîc Back Yaad îtaL jungle Barî
an organically expanding, permacultural agroecological jungle rooted in food sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and Planet Repairs. This is not just a garden; it is an autopoietic living system, regenerating itself through reciprocal relationships between soil, seed, water, and care.
Guided by UbuntuPachaVidya: Cognitive Justice, Reparatory Justice, and Ecological Justice, JungaliGrowz🌱 nurtures an inter-altruistic, self-replicating ecosystem where all beings are fed and sustained in harmony.
Ŵîî R Dîî Children of the TriContinental, regenerating ancestral wisdom, building toward a New International Economic Order for a Just, Equitable, and Peaceful World. Follow the growth of this itaI jungle as it flourishes through SEED—Sociogenerative, Educational, Ethical, and Decolonial—practices. Vanguard Up! A Luta Continua! Uhuru Sasa! Ubuntu Milele🐦🔥🌞🌱